extension NSObject
Hook an
@objc dynamic
instance method via selector on the current object or class..Declaration
@discardableResult public func hook<MethodSignature, HookSignature> ( _ selector: Selector, methodSignature: MethodSignature.Type = MethodSignature.self, hookSignature: HookSignature.Type = HookSignature.self, _ implementation: (TypedHook<MethodSignature, HookSignature>) -> HookSignature?) throws -> AnyHook
Hook an
@objc dynamic
instance method via selector on the current object or class..Declaration
@discardableResult public class func hook<MethodSignature, HookSignature> ( _ selector: Selector, methodSignature: MethodSignature.Type = MethodSignature.self, hookSignature: HookSignature.Type = HookSignature.self, _ implementation: (TypedHook<MethodSignature, HookSignature>) -> HookSignature?) throws -> AnyHook